
Tuesday, 30 March 2021


Hi, in week 3 we started a pice of art the first thing that we had to do is take a photo of our self then we had to paint half of our face useing warm colors and then the other half we have to paint our faces with cold colors the we had to rip up bits of news paper and stick it to make our hair then we had to cut up bits of magazin and collage our t-shrit and the we used indan ink to do our outlines and all the detail and then we made neclaces useing string and beads and then we made earings and stuck them on with a hot glue gun and then we put buttons on and then we made our names, framed them and then we were done.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Narritve Writting - Mirror Lave Grove

Hi, Today our task was to write a Narrative that we started a few weeks ago, Mine is about to kids lost in a forest and they can’t get out then they find a mirror lake which takes them into a different dimension if they ever get out?. My two Characters are Devon she is shy, quiet, smart, short, scared of the smallest things and she is a girl there is also Jordan he is the opposite he's not scared of anything he's tall he loves adventures he's  happy and he is a boy here is my example.

In the middle of nowhere there was a small town named Findara, that was dark and gloomy. There was a beautiful forest though among the gloominess, called Mirror Lake Grove. Next to it happened to be a large turquoise lake, surrounded in trees but nobody was allowed to go there.

It was the most boring town ever. Everybody was very lazy and nothing ever happened to this town. It felt like no one even knew about it except the people that lived here which was basically nobody. Here lived a girl named Devon that was very very shy, quiet and she got scared of the smallest things even the sound of wind. Her best friend Jordan was very much different. He was tall and skinny, he loved adventures, he was brave and he was not scared of anything.

It was a cold and airy morning. Jordan woke up with an adventurous idea. He picked up his phone and sent Devon a text saying, “Hi Devon you wanna go into the forest today?’’ Devon replied “But that forest is forbidden and the last person that went exploring never came back out, and anyways dad told us we should never go there otherwise we would be in grave danger!”

“I’ll be there in ten!’’ text Jordan. Jordan packed his bag. He put some snacks, water, and his phone in his bag just in case they needed help. He jumped onto his dirt bike and set off to Devon's house.  Devon was in her room playing on her phone when she suddenly heard a loud bang on the door. She walked slowly and carefully over to the door and found Jordan waiting at the door “You ready to go?’’ Jordan said.

“It’s too dangerous I'm not going!’’ exclaimed Devon.

“Ok then see you soon.” Jordan slammed the door shut and jumped on his dirt bike and set off to the forest. Devon sighed to herself, “He’s going to get himself killed, ugh I better go.’’ So she jumped on her bike and rode off into the horizon after him.

When Jordan arrived to the forest he took one big glance and said “Wow this is amazing, why have I never been here before?’’ He started to walk into the forest but just then he got a fright as he heard a loud sound coming towards him.  He could just make out the features of a girl Devon is that you?’’ screamed Jordan. Devon came to a sudden stop. “What are you doing here?’’ asked Jordan.

“I’m coming into the forest with you,’’ stated Devon.


 “Because you can’t just go into a deep dark gloomy forest by yourself can you?”

“Ok then let's go!’’ replied Jordan. So off they set into the forest but just then they when they walked into the trees a big forces field appeared and they couldn’t get in, it was like a big piece of plastic covering the forest but Devon had an idea she picked a stick up and stuck it into the forces field then she ripped the stick down like she was peeling open a banana. They climbed inside and stood up. They saw the most magnificent sight they had ever seen, there was a big beautiful translucent river running through the forest.  It was as clear as a piece of glass glistening in the sun. “No wonder this is called Mirror Lake Grove’’ whispered Jordan.  They went over to the water and took a big gulp of the water. “Wow this is the best water I have ever had,” admitted Devon, but as soon as they both got up they felt a very airy feeling, it felt as if somebody was watching them. Then there were big gusts of wind traveling through the forest. It was very chaotic “Let's get out of here,’’ screamed Jordan at the top of his lungs but just as they could get out they got pushed into the lake.  They tried to get out but Jordan could not swim. Just then both of them felt their legs getting sucked to the bottom like a vacuum cleaner sucking them up. Their heads went under and they both looked down and saw a pitch black bottom.  They started kicking as hard as they could to get out but then they dropped into a room, it was bright white.

Just as they were looking around they heard a loud sobbing noise. They looked around and sure an old man was crying in the corner of the room. “Are you ok?, what is this place’’ asked Devon cautiously, the man slowly lifted his head and said “I have been stuck in this room for I don't know how long, maybe 20 years. I have tried to get out for so long but I have never succeeded. I think we might be in a different dimension, do you know how to get out? I have always been thinking to myself will I ever get out?” Devon and Jordan looked to each other with a look of horror on their faces, “Will we ever get out?’’ 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021


 Hi i'm Kyla and this is my first blog post for 2021 I am a year 7 at Kawakawa primary school and we have been learning about Narritve writing and also been creating out own narriteves. we started by watching two small movies called The Snack attack and The Present then we picked one and wrote a story about it. I picked The Present and here it is.